///charles rismyhr md

What I am Doing Now

Updated July 20th, 2024 from Houston, Texas


We recently lived through our first Hurricane in Houston. This was a category one that struck through the morning of Monday the 8th. The family is safe, though we did have one grueling night to endure with temperatures in the house close to 90 degrees F. My parents are living close by, and they had power so we were able to save most of our food, and we could cool off during the day. Our power came on last night, and we are extremely grateful. There is still debri to be cleaned up, and large downed trees to be dealt with, now almost 2 weeks on.

In The Kitchen

I have cut back the baking significantly these days. The summer temperature in our poorly insulated historic house makes it uncomfortable. However, I continue the important ritual of feeding my 4 year old starter regularly.

Here you can find some examples of stuff I've baked.


I am entering my third year with the Houston Methodist Primary Care Group.

Next steps for our daughter

She is 5, and will be starting kindergarden soon.

Here is something fanciful she when she was presented with an image of an ancient Egyptian heiroglyphics in preschool:


Computer stuff

I am in somewhat of a rabbit hole with learning the ins and outs of linux and command line, self-hosting email, encrypted storage, and this website. I have learned how to access a personal email in terminal, navigate through directories, manage files (copy, move, delete, etc), and I made my first script. I am doing this because by learning linux, I'll be able to breakout of the cycle of having to buy new and flashy devices that I have to pay monthly to use (Windows). This website is all written up on a 11 year old laptop.

You can see about how I have been dealing with my media here.

My ultimate goal is to keep all of my data under my control, with a solid back up routine in place. Also, I am wary that any of the big tech companies will eventually use my most personal stuff like photos and videos to train AI.

Hit me up anytime at charles at imonlyeating.com, especially old friends I'd like to know what you are up to so let's catch up!